There was a point in my life that I believed I would never find my purpose in life.

Then I became so tired of all the cruelty in this world. Tired of sitting back,

thinking there was nothing I could do. That no one would listen to

just one person. Well, there is something I can do, spread the word,

plant the seed and join the many others who want the same things

I want for our animal friends. When I was new to the internet I had

seen all I needed, concerning the cruelty of animals. Animals are my

passion and I made the decision that I'm going to help them the best I can,

keeping in mind that the less that the more it's put off or the less that is

done the longer it will take for the innocents to be free.

I live in New England and love the season changes. I have a terrific life,

a bunch of kids (furry ones) and I adore my family. I am extremely choosy

about my friends (which are few by choice) but I am very close

to them as well. I write poetry, poetry about everything.

A few of them are copywritten, through the National Library of Poetry.

Some of you may know this organization. No big deal but it sort of

gives one some pride in their efforts.

There are people that think I am arrogant and self important but I'm not.

I know myself and I know it's ok to say "no".

I know that if someone asks me a question they need to prepare

for the answer. If you don't want to know, it's simple, don't ask.

I loathe the greediness of our government and it fascinates me how

they have found so many ways to steal from us...

thinking they are hidden ways. Hell, we can't even have our social security

go to our beneficiary but that's neither here nor there.

I've been told I need to seek help due to a "chip on my shoulder".

The fact of the matter is I can't and won't tolerate the way society

has become. There was a day when folks would help one another.

They would bind together. They would stand up with what is right and

act upon what is wrong. There was consideration and kindness.

Today there is a large need for self protection and acceptance.

Fears of what others will think of them, fears of not being accepted.

perhaps not fitting in and fear of being judged. Judged by beings who

haven't the right or the power to judge anyone but themselves.

They have the need for attention and are heartless in obtaining it.

So I need to seek help? Why? To give in and be taught to accept the

way things are today? To be a part of turning my back on how things can be?

I don't think so. I love life. I love the wonderful part of society that cares.

The part of society who still has a heart, and the part of society who is not

afraid of having their own opinion. I love laughing with them and enjoying

this wonderful life we've been given. I love talking with these people.

It is such a pleasure to know that kindness and caring is not totally dead.

To know that some of society is still very much alive.

To know that part of society still loves.




Now... be prepared for the startling truth and reality concerning our society.

It has inspired this site. If you feel you can't handle the truth,

you may want to move to another page. Remember, I warned you!


I knew about the cruelty and heard about it but never actually saw pictures,

I could only imagine. Well, I've seen pictures, it became "hard" fact.

All for greed and vanity. They disgust me. The selfishness and cowardice

disgust me. I cannot understand the reasoning why these acts go on and on.

I cannot understand how the government can let these things happen.

It is a known fact that at least half of the cures they find

may cure the animal and kill the human.

I ask myself, "why don't they test on people?" Take vivisection:

For example: There are people who may never walk again, paralyzed for life.

People who may be willing to have these tests done on them, perhaps realizing

they will never walk again anyway. Whereas, animals aren't given the choice,

as their backs are forcibly broken to perform these tests.

Because it's inhumane, they say? Did they say inhumane? How so for people but

not for animals? Because they're furry things that don't speak our language?

Because they look different than we do? Because their plentiful?

Believe it or not, they are plentiful because of us. Our neglect, our laziness

and our ignorance. Open your eyes people, they feel too.

They get something in their eye, they scratch it. You step on their tail, they cry.

They get hungry they let you know and when they are tired, they sleep.

When they feel love, they love... They are not afraid of love, not afraid of caring,

not afraid of affection. Maybe they are different than we are. They are better.

We should be learning from them. Not taking their lives from them.

Know something else? They may not be afraid of love and all the good things but

I will tell you this... here we are calling ourselves the "superior beings"

yet we are the weakest race there ever was. It is our doing that these

loving, gentle beings are afraid. It is our doing that these loving gentle

animals become angry and it is our doing that causes them to lash out.

They only lash out in fear. Oh, does that make us superior. They do what

they do to survive. Humans do what they do for greed and vanity.

Quite frankly animals deserve it less than some of these people I read about.

Animals don't deserve it at all. A strong belief I have due to factual experiences,

is that in the end we will be judged. We will be made to go through everything

we've ever caused to anyone else (animals are anyone, by-the-way).

We will see all the beauty and goodness we've shared but we will also endure the

pains and the sufferings, as well. We will relive it all... from the end of the receiver.

Animals will again reign superior in the end. Judgment day will see to that.

Better wake up. You may not like His final penalty. +