We hear so many of the horrible abuses and injustices concerning our animal friends

and the planet we live on, that our minds tend to become plagued our battles.

Sometimes our accomplishments escape us.
It was important for me to add this page as a reminder that it CAN be done.



AIR TRAVEL -  Making It Safer For Pets

10/10/99 - Senate adopts Sen. Lautenberg's Safe Air Travel for Animals Act

as part of its bill to reauthorize the Federal  Aviation Administration (S. 82).



Suspends Use Of Animals In Research

Declared an "immediate and voluntary moratorium on all animal testing of its personal

care products designed for adults and the ingredients used in those products".


"CRUSH" VIDEOS - Pres. Clinton Bans Sale Of

These videos entail women, often in spike heels, crushing small animals to death.



DIAL - Stops Animal Testing

The American Anti-Vivisection Society (AAVS) is happy to announce that
the Dial Corporation has agreed to stop testing its products on animals.

Please take a moment to thank Dial for its humane change in policy. 

The Dial Corporation, 15101 North Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85254;
(800) 528-0849; (480) 754-DIAL.
If anyone as any questions, please feel free to contact Crystal Schaeffer at:

AAVS, 801 Old York Rd., #204, Jenkintown, PA 19046;

(800) say-aavs; or [email protected].


HOUSE & GARDEN - End To Fur Promotion

Editor said she will no longer print articles that promote fur.


LAND ROVER - On Animals Side

The commercial starts off with a couple on their way to a show on a rainy night.

They come to a congested street and see a very scared and confused dog.

They sacrifice their entertainment by stopping and aiding the poor helpless "soul".

I have recently heard that a letter was written and had been informed that a

portion of the sale of the Land Rover would go to charities to help animals.

There is also an add of a turtle being rescued. Thank you Land Rover.

Will have an addy soon, where you can write and thank them.

[email protected]


MARY KAY - Pledges To End Animal Testing

Signed an agreement pledging not to use animals to test its products or to buy

ingredients from companies that do, becoming the largest company to pledge.


MILITARY DOGS - Pres. Clinton Signed Retirement Bill

Law effective Monday, November 6th, 2000.


PEPSI - Ends Bullfighting Sponsorship

Withdrew its sponsorship of Mexican bullfighting events and ordered

all its signs removed from bullfighting arenas.


SHARK FINNING - Pres. Clinton Signs Bill to Ban

Dec.  26, 2000 | 5:44 p.m. 
The practice of cutting off shark fins, a culinary delicacy in Asia and
throwing the dying fish back into the sea.


SPAY/NEUTER STAMP - Postal Service Unveils
The unveiling took place on the popular game show The Price Is Right with

host and animal advocate Bob Barker.

The Neuter or Spay stamps will be issued in Sept. 2002.


TAIWAN - Bans Dog Meat
Dogs are increasingly coming off the menu in Asia Taiwan's parliament

has passed a law banning people from eating dog meat.

Under the new legislation, the meat and fur of pets such as dogs and cats

are banned from being used for economic purposes.

Anyone found violating the law - which becomes effective once ratified

by the president - is liable to pay a fine of $300.

Mr. Wang Hsin-nan of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party,

was behind the bill said eating dog meat was understandable during

hard times, when the meat was viewed as a source of nutrition.

~From BBC News~


WALMART - Took Down Their Bird Nets

Walmart had put up nets to catch the birds that were flying into

the store. I've had called the store I do my shopping in and got

one name & number after another. I told them how inhumane it

was for them to get caught and suffer. They're response was

"we catch them and let them go". My question was "what about

those that aren't readily caught?"

I just didn't get any satisfaction. Then it was time

for me to get down to serious business.



Boise Cascade - Dinosaur of the Logging Industry

Announced its commitment to eliminate logging and purchasing of wood and paper

products from endangered forests.