SAVE A LIFE

                                   (a little poem to start with)


                            WAITING AT THE SHELTER

                                    (not the true title)

Patience is my virtue, My mother told me so.
So why am I getting restless, It seems like years ago.

You left me here alone, But I know you will come for me,
To take me home again, The place I long to see.

I don't know why you kept me here, But I know that I can wait,
Perhaps it's just a mistake, That you didn't mean to be so late.

Why do the other cat say you won't be back, That you left me here to die,
But just because they were thrown away, Does that mean they have to lie?

Darkness is falling, maybe they told the truth, why would you do this to me,
An answer I can't find, I have feelings too, why can't you see?!
     Some of the boys are after me, a man takes me away from here,
He keeps me in a cage with other cats, And my feelings now hate and fear.

I know you will be back! I know it in my heart!
But do you feel the same, And feel good that we're apart?

I know that I don't and I miss you so much, Perhaps you miss me too,
Can you hear my nightly whimpers just for you? You want me, I just know you do!

Come and take me away from here, It's been years since I was in this place,
But I still know you will be back, Before my breathing slows down a pace.




I am providing this page for agencies, shelters, and rescue organizations,

however will no longer be providing information for private individuals.

It is too risky to allow just anyone to call numbers and adopt kitties

when there are far too many unfortunate possibilities that could await them.

SO... If you are looking for a precious baby and wish to search further,

please contact me as I have the private lists off-site now.

I also have provided a list of  shelters and organizations below.

(if you are in the state of Connecticut and would like to be

added to this page please Email me)



Something To Remember




Those of us who commit to life time care are in danger of losing our rights

to keep animals of any kind, exotic or domestic. There are always going

to be animals in need of "new homes" due to families who were stricken

by some disaster that makes it impossible to keep them, just as there will

always be children in need of foster homes. Please do not exacerbate

the problem because you "want it right now", with no regard as to whether

you can provide for it in the future.
Before you get ANY kind of an animal, ask yourself these questions:
(1) Have I researched the life-span, care, feeding, enrichment, habitat

and licensing requirements?
(2) After researching #1, can I provide this for the expected life of the animal?

(Do you own your home? Is there a reasonable chance you could lose your

job or move to another city?)
(3) Do I have time for the animal?
(4) Do I want the animal to interact with? (If the answer is to look at and

show off, please get a plant.)
(5) If I had to choose between a new car or my pet, would I choose the pet?

(If not, get the car and forget the pet.)
(6) Can I afford the animal? (Is there a reasonable chance my finances could

nose-dive during the animal's life span?)
(7) If a new (a) child, (b) grandchild, (c) spouse, (d) pet,

(e) other came into my family, would I still want this animal?

(An animal accustomed to being part of the family should not be relegated

to a cage it would never be happy in.)
(8) If I come home and find my new shoes, furniture or other worldly goods

chewed to pieces, will I call a trainer for solutions rather than
(a) becoming violent or (b) getting rid of the pet?
(9) Would I change my plans, my lifestyle, or give up worldly goods for the

animal's welfare?
(10) Do my (a) state, (b) county, (c), city (d) subdivision regulations

permit keeping this animal? (Would my neighbors be happy to see this

animal arriving in the neighborhood?)
If the answer to any of the above is "no" or even "I don't know", you are

NOT ready to take this animal home. Please give yourself a few days

cooling-off period...after which you may choose something that does

not eat, poop, sleep, run, jump, play, throw up on the carpet, chew up

shoes and furniture, or pose a danger to your friends and family if you

do not spend $35,000 on a cage.

T. Mary



Humane Society Adoption Advantages

There are so many advantages to adopting from your local Humane Society.

(You can find yours under "Animals" in the yellow pages.)

So many animals are purchased and given up like "objects".

They were simply novelties on their way through a short life toward death

due to an over-population problem.

First, you'll be giving one of these unfortunate souls a second chance for "life"

Second, by not purchasing at pet shops you'll be refraining from supporting

puppy mills where a lot of abuse occurs. Do we want to support this?

Third, by purchasing at pet shops you're multiplying this cycle

and homeless animals.

By purchasing from a pet shop your purchasing from a mill,

the more the shop sells the more the mills need to breed to continue

supplying the shops to keep up with the sales and to add to over-population.

There are some shops that sell mix breeds and kittens from owners

who bring in litters. No cost is involved between the owner and the shop,

only through the shop, for the sale to the new owner, in aid for the cost

of vaccinations, tests and checkups.





(please refer to my ORGANIZATIONS page)



Aid To Helpless Animals (860) 727-8920 Bloomfield, CT
American Friends of CT (860) 232-1393 - email W.Hartford, CT

Animal Adoption Network

(203) 445-9978

Monroe, CT

Animal Friends of CT

(860) 232-1393

W. Hartford, CT

Animal Rescue Fund (860) 739-8625 - email Waterford, CT
Animal Welfare League (860) 447-9363 Groton, CT


(860) 344-9043 - email

Middleton, CT

CT Cat Rescue Web email New Haven, CT

CT Rescue Groups



Flora's Pet Project


Naugatuck, CT

Forgotten Felines (860) 669-1347 - email Clinton, CT
Forgotten Angels (860) 389-3931 Griswold, CT

Greater New Haven Cat Project


New Haven, CT


(860) 442-8583 - email

Quaker Hill, CT

Helping Paws

(860) 267-0496 - email

Colchester, CT

Hope Alliance

(203) 466-2185 - email

New Haven, CT

Kitty Angels

(860) 875-6122

Coventry, CT

Last Post Cat Refuge

(860) 824-0831

Falls Village, CT

Meow, Inc.

(860) 567-3277 - email

Litchfield, CT

Morris Memorial (860) 536-6656 - email  

N.E. CT Animal Rescue

New Haven Cat Project (203) 782-CATS - email New Haven, CT

New Leash On Life

(203) 944-0171

Bridgeport, CT

Norwich Animal Control (860) 887-5747  

Pet Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)


Norwalk, CT

Pet Connections (860) 434-0246 - email Old Lyme, CT

Pet Net Connecticut



Pet Pals N.East (860) 546-1280 - email Plainfield, CT

Pet Project


Voluntown, CT

Pet Protectors


Fairfield, CT

Protectors of Animals

(860) 569-0722 - email

S. Glastonbury, CT

Second Chance Sanctuary (860) 564-3720 - email Oneco, CT

Southern CT Animal Trust (SCAT)


Stamford, CT

SPCA CT (203) 445-9978 - email Monroe, CT
Valley Shore Animal Welfare League (860) 399-7561 - email  

Whiskers Animal Shelter

(860) 564-7138

Plainfield. CT









Don't forget what I mentioned above:

If you are looking for a precious baby and wish to search further, please

contact me as I have the private lists off-site now.




I didn't care for the attitude of this organization as others in my area had

also said.  It was the only one in our county and unfortunately a kill-shelter.

It was the reason that I'd go there first when looking to adopt.

To give a second chance - before it was too late.

When the time came, necessary to return, I had to realize I was there for

the animal only. These people would treat everyone as villains, even if

trying to offer a good home. Attempting on several occasions to obtain

information, offer my help or trying to locate specific animals for other

good homes, I was treated as though I were putting them out.


Since then, upon a return I was pleasantly surprised to learn that this

organization had changed drastically. It is no longer a kill shelter and the

atmosphere and attitude has drastically improved for the better.


Please, if you are adopting from an organization, and feel you are treated

with disrespect, remember... you are there for the animal, not for the people.

It will be the animal that will suffer in the long run if we let the attitude

of others stand in our way.

Isn't it strange: The animals are the ones that have it rough, still wagging their

tails and purring when they see you, yet the people going home in a

few hours can be so miserable.



Free ad posting of adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP cats/kittens in need of homes.

A website where anyone may post a FeLV/FIV/FIP cat/kitten they are

fostering or are in need of finding a new home for.

This service is because many of these cats are automatically euthanized

when they test positive. Many cats/kittens that test positive live healthy,

long, quality lives. With preventative treatment many cats that would

otherwise be euthanized can and do live many years of quality life,

and make loving, wonderful pets.

If you find yourself in a situation with a FeLV/FIV/FIP positive cat/kitten

and for reasons beyond your control can't keep them, this is an opportunity

to try and find a loving home for your cat/kitten.

It doesn't cost you anything and you may save the life of a wonderful,

loving cat/kitten and make another families life happy and complete.

Please pass this website address and information on to every

animal lover you know, join us in the crusade to save lives. 

These websites may be linked to by anyone that would link to link

to them. Thank you for your time!

To post an ad go to

to join our support group

(people owned by FeLV, FIV or FIP positive kitties),

go to