How many times has this issue come up in a conversation and have

I heard pathetic things such as: What else are we going to test on...

How are we suppose to know what is good for us...

AND THE BIG ONE... Well, that's what their here for...

Many people feel the need to remain ignorant and not learn of what

is really happening. How God's creatures are being treated.

Well people, open your eyes and stop being ignorant.

Educate yourselves because...



The following are some additional educational information and ways

you can help these tortured & suffering animals. Most of these links

have information on alternatives but they also offer so much more.


There is no law requiring products to first be

tested on animals.



All For Animals: Alternative List

This is the best site I've seen concerning cruelty free living,

more information on testing and resources for students.


Alternatives to Animal Testing

Staffed by knowledgeable and caring animal advocates.


American Anti-Vivisection Society

Help with the battle against animal research plus the purchasing

and selling of these animals for this reason.


National Anti-Vivisection Society

This is one site to see as they are a major anti-vivisection

resource. (Click here for their Hotline staffed by knowledgeable

and caring animal advocates who advise students about their

options when they object to dissection.

It offers students advice on how to handle any reaction they

may encounter when expressing their beliefs)


PETA's Alternative Page


Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

Animal experimentation issues & controversies.

Many other useful information here as well.


Stop Animal

PETA has identified five tests on animals that could be

ended immediately without any threat to public health and safety.




Use your power as a consumer to stop animal suffering.

With everyone's help, we can force these companies to join the

hundreds of other manufacturers that do not test on animals.

These companies use superior testing methods, such as

cell cultures, chemical tests and computer modeling.

We think you would agree -- going without testing companies

is a small price to pay to end animal suffering.

BOYCOTT - If you know of a company (check list above)

that is involved in animal testing... don't buy their products.

LETTERS - Write to companies still test their
products on animals and let them know that you won't buy their

products until they stop. When you give them your reason

suggest other alternatives than creating pain, torment and

suffering to living, breathing, feeling beings. You can usually

find an address and sometimes an email on the back of their

packaging in fine print on the bottom.
Also write to your Senators and Representatives urging

them to support animal protection legislation.
SPREAD THE WORD - Help spread the word to your family,

friends, and co-workers. It's as easy as putting a bumper

sticker on your car or wearing a button on your shirt. 

You can raise the awareness of hundreds of people.


Demand that they stop requiring cruel and obsolete animal tests for

pharmaceuticals and instead allow the companies to substitute in vitro

tests for the safety of both humans and animals.

Michael A. Friedman, Commissioner

Food and Drug Administration

Parklawn Bldg., 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD  20857

EDUCATE YOURSELF - So you can educate others.


Some companies say they don't test but the products

that go into them may be.

HOLD YOUR OWN PROTEST - but keep it non violent.




(get the booklet)

The Humane Society of the United States would like to inform

everyone that they have a new publication, "42 Ways to Help

Animals in Laboratories" that is now available.  The booklet

guides the reader through helpful and pro-active steps designed to

help advocate for animals in research. The booklet cost $4.50

(booklet is $3 and shipping and handling is $1.50).
In addition, they are also asking college students and advocates

to help spread these words by giving out promotional cards for

the booklet at school events (demonstration tables,  etc). 

They believe the promo cards will help reach more interested

parties and will let them know about "42 Ways to Help Animals in

Laboratories." If you are interested in buying the booklet and/or

interested in distributing promo cards, please contact you

local humane society.  As an incentive, they are offering a free copy

of our booklet to those who distribute our promo cards.

Please help get the word out!


More info on my HELP page


to purchase from non testing companies.