Well, my story isn't too
mom saw me wandering around the neighborhood and thought
I looked like I needed a home. I was so happy with her
One day while we were enjoying each other she scruffed
me and put
me into a box (she calls it a carrier, but a box
She brought me to the vet and he tested me for all the
kitty diseases.
They all came out clean.
The next day was the worst. They neutered me!
Oh, how awful, but I healed quickly and held no
It took me a while to get use to her and all the sounds
around the house
but now I think I am king of the house.
I've picked up a couple habits from the other "kids"
(especially Jester)
and my mom doesn't really care for what I'm doing but I
just can't
help myself. I pick on 'Lil Kitty which my mom absolutely hates but
is so irresistible. I also love to scratch on the
carpet on the stairs.
This is another no no but it is so much like the posts
I'm suppose to use.
One of my favorite things to do is drink out of the
It seems so much cleaner. When I drink out of the water
bowl I have
to test it first by dipping my paw in. I also do this
because it's hard
to tell where the bottom is. I don't want to get my
nose in it.
I've learned to like being held and sometimes when she
tries to put
me down I don't want to go. I stubbornly hang on.
Boy, I'll tell you though, when I don't want to be
bothered I have
quite the attitude. Mom calls me Jekyll and Hyde.
All in all, everything is great and I love my home and
I love
my mom, very very much.