~Brat's Treasure~
received this award in my guestbook. Of course I had to reply:
Boy, I'll tell ya. I've seen your award around the net and thought how beautiful
it is and now I'm receiving the honor to display it myself. I thank you so much.
(I'll try to keep this short) When I was a little girl I had always dreamed of
helping animals but as I grew older felt more and more helpless...then the
internet came along. I had worked in an animal hospital but found I became
too personal with some of the sick animals that came thru.
They broke my heart. I'd go home every night depressed.
I knew that my job entailed helping them but,
unfortunately...not always. They seemed to suffer before getting better
and the suffering made me suffer. I could cry now thinking of it.
There was one cat in particular that I decided to leave.
Her name was Casey. A beautiful short-haired thickly multi colored calico
and a bit up in her age. She was...well, guess you could say, shy but very
loving and she had diabetes. She was very weak and bandages on both
arms from blood work. This is when work made me cry everyday when
I'd have to go home and leave her.
She wasn't even my cat but I had wished she were. The hardest thing was
quitting but I still continued to return to find out how she was doing. I
knew she wouldn't make it. On my last visit I again asked and the last thing I
knew of her is that she finally went home. Not Gods home but apparently
she was on medication and doing pretty well. Can you believe it?
I'm crying now for heaven sakes and this was about 10 years ago.
Sorry for the long letter but love to share what provokes me to do my site
and what prods me to keep doing it. Those who find it foolish or have
their own self-important opinions can go to hell. The way I see it is my
(not opinion) cause is more important and I've decided to
try and help for as long as I can.