~Poetry4MyKidz~ 5/19/03

I've awarded you my Excellent Site Award, which cannot be applied for.

It is specifically for excellence in web mastering as you so eloquently demonstrate your skill and knowledge. Also included is your Support Page, Other Interest such as Information on Premarin, Loss, (Us & Them), your thoughtful Sympathy Pet Loss Cards, (Humans Grieve for their pets as they are part of the family); and just the whole gammet of information on your site. Your use of Bruce DeBoer's music is a plus b/c I use his music a lot on my pages.


The Beautiful Memorial Site is for the unfortunate animals that meet their end from cruelty, neglect, intention and for using the animals for testing for humans benefit.


Star's Inspirational Award is for the countless hours you have spent building and creating your site.  I believe this has been joy for you rather than a "job" or "chore". You seem to love what you are doing. I would suggest you continue bringing information to the forefront of animals and how they are sometimes treated with malice and brutality.

I could go on and on but I will end it here.  Your site has been so wonderfully inspiring to see, your beautiful use of your graphics you create yourself.  Thank you from one Web Master to Another for your hard work, diligence and perseverance on your cause. Your tenacious Web Site attitude is beautiful and .....eye-catching to say the least.




~Elie Creation~ 5/15/03

I would like to present to you my Special Award for your pure heart and love for animals. Your website touched my heart. All the best be with you. Also I want you to have my Animals & Pet Lovers Award, you deserve all my compliments.



~Michelle of Animal Abuse~ 5/14/03

Due to your wonderful compassion of Animal Abuse Awareness,

I would like to Award you with this Animal Abuse Awareness Award.

It takes people like you & I to open everyone's eyes to the horrors that are going on. Thank you!




~Mona in Norway~ 1/4/03
I will give you my Jewel award. Your site shows that you care for cats and other animals.
Kind regards.

~Mona in Norway~
Also my cat breed