Characteristic: Spoiled

I was in a pet shop with my brothers and sisters when my parents found me.

They were looking for a short-haired, female kitten, which I wasn't,

even though it's what my mother told my dad,at that time, which he learned

different much later when it was too late. "Sigh" he fell in love with me,

and my lovely plumage at the end of my butt.

The older I get, the more beautiful it becomes. I love it myself.

It keeps my nose warm in the winter time when I curl up and go to sleep.

I also use it to get my mom's attention when she's holding me,

just in case she forgets I'm there. I just, kind of, flit it in her face.

I was named Bonnie, after the hurricane in the Carolina's.

Well, now I'm as furry as a rich woman's bola with a gray spot on top of

my head and two different colored eyes.

A nickname I have is Bon makes fun of me and calls

me Bim Bim (short for bimbo). She thinks she's being funny.

Oh, I'm impressed.

Besides my brothers, I have lots of great things to play with, and lots

of things to do, my favorite being, decorating the house...

with the plants and potting soil.

We have free run of the basement where there's some really neat stuff.

I don't understand why their not in the house, so I take it upon myself and

bring them up.

One of the scratching posts is in the kitchen where a lot of human time is spent,

and when their in just the right spot I scurry up to the top of the post and

onto their shoulder. It does have to be the left one, of course.

I don't go outside but when the sun is out, the sun porch door gets opened

and I run like hell in case the sun goes in and I miss it. We love it out there.

All kinds of ladybugs to chirp at.

I try to get them but the ledge of the window doesn't quite hold me.

So I beep a couple times in an attempt for them to come to me, but they don't.

We tear the place apart. Needless to say, it's not even the sun porch anymore.

It's now the "playroom".

Nighttime comes and boy am I beat. Time to curl up and sleep...


Owning A Long-Haired Cat

Please keep in mind that owning a long-haired cat is a big responsibility.

Maintenance requires daily brushing and if not done as frequently as

necessary mats will occur. If this should happen further the mats should be

carefully removed and if not attended to, veterinary attention will be needed

as several things can happen. It can pull on their skin, causing pain, discomfort

and redness. If left untreated can get infected, creating abscesses and in

extreme cases, the presence of maggots in the infected area.

Also keep in mind that they will shed their coat year round if an indoor

cat and heavily in the spring if allowed to venture outdoors.

They are beautiful cats but keep in mind that, although groom themselves,

heavily rely on their human friends to keep them in good health.