Brat's Treasure

offers condolences to the terrible tragedies that we should not have

to be asking ourselves "how scary is that"?

To answer would be to experience. To answer would mean having to...

thank a "God All Mighty" or the "higher power" of your choice...

For still having your life, One to pray to for those that don't,

For those that will be without those that did.

� Author ~Dana T.H.Fillion~

*** In memory of the September 11, 2001 Tragedy***



Hurricanes in warm coastal waters? Floods near major rivers?

Wildfires in forests? Tornado's in flatlands? Tsunami's in Thailand?


Any type of disaster, including ones I didn't mention, can strike anytime, anywhere.

If you think you will never have to evacuate unless you live in areas that may

harvest these types of situations you may be tragically mistaken.

It is imperative that you make proper preparations to evacuate your pets as well

as your family in the event of a disaster. You will be glad you did,

especially if you have to return to find nothing left of where you may have once lived.


Disaster doesn't just hit on domestic animals but help may be

needed in the aid of wild animals, some of which may have lost

their natural homes or caked in the remnants of an irresponsible oil spill.






Your Companion Animal Disaster Kit

(things to bring for you & your pet/s)


Drivers license


Current license tags, rabies tags and identification

(many places may require proof of current rabies and distemper)


A card with names, phone numbers, addresses & identification of family & friends in case of emergency (also in another area)

4. Your own important papers
5. Current health records (in sealable plastic bags)
6. Color photo of your pet/s
7. Properly fitted collar & leash
8. Portable pet carriers and bedding
9. Litter box/litter
10. Food and water bowls
11. Four days of food and water (for you and your pet/s)
12. Medication (for you & your pet/s) and/or flea treatment
13. First Aid kit
14. Favorite toy
15. Battery operated radio & flashlight
16. Extra appropriate clothing in accordance to weather conditions, etc.
17. Container for carrying everything
18. Full tank of gas
19. Extra cash
20. and don't forget your PET/S


Decide on Where to Take Your Companion Animals

1. Boarding kennels
2. Veterinary hospital with boarding kennels
3. Animal shelters
4. Friends or relatives
5. Check with motels and hotels to be sure they will allow animals.

Check with the Red Cross or Emergency Management to see what

shelters will allow you to come in with your animals.


The single most important thing you can do to protect your pets is to take them

with you when you evacuate. Animals left behind in a disaster can easily be injured,

lost, or killed. Animals left inside your home can escape through storm-damaged areas,

such as broken windows. Animals turned loose to fend for themselves are likely to

become victims of exposure, starvation, predators, contaminated food or water, or

accidents. Leaving dogs tied or chained outside in a disaster is a death sentence.


If you wait to be evacuated by emergency officials, you may be told to leave your pets behind.

Leave early�don't wait for that mandatory evacuation order.

An unnecessary trip is far better than waiting too long to leave safely with your pets.


If you leave, even if you think you may be gone only for a few hours, take your

animals. Once you leave, you have no way of knowing how long you'll be kept

out of the area, and you may not be able to go back for your pets.



Please keep in mind that when disaster hits, many shelters are in

need of donations of everything from food to bedding supplies

and from medication to personal help.

Some unfortunate animals may also be in serious

need of homes and/or may still be home waiting for the

return of their owners that may have regrettably perished.





Many people donate to the Red Cross but I need to add the awareness that this

organization funds animal testing. Please make sure that your monetary donations

are not used to cause even more suffering.