Our environment.

Although I have several pages concerning cat issues as well as other

miscellaneous issues this is by far the most important.

We lose this planet and guess what? THAT'S IT FOLKS!!!

No where else to go. So many feel that they won't be seeing the deterioration

in their lifetime but that is such a misconception. It has already begun and is

progressively becoming much worse. Trash has it's place, the ozone can be

protected by educating yourself on clean-air living and do your part in recycling.

Global warming is cause by people and it's improvement and protection starts with us.




HUMAN OVERPOPULATION - pushing animal species out of their natural habitats for

homes, businesses, highways, etc.

OIL SPILLAGE - killing and endangering our oceans and it's species

TOXIC CHEMICAL DUMPING - nuclear waste and other miscellaneous chemicals

DESTRUCTION OF NATURAL LANDS - utilization of them for paper,

building materials, human settlement, etc.

GASSES - automobiles, planes, busses, trucks, SUV's, commercial fires, etc.

EXTINCTION - we need our planets living beings, plants, trees & natural

resources to survive.


THE ARGUMENT - "certain animals have to be killed because they are overpopulated"

What these people are doing is neglecting the fact that the animals are not

overpopulated, nature has THEM exactly the way it's intended -

Human overpopulation is the real problem.

Fact of the matter is that because of this they are being killed off on their own.

People are pushing animals out of their natural habitats and forcing them to survive

in the only ways they know how and these ways include hunting farm animals due

to the lack of wild ones, bathing in swimming pools due to the lack of ponds,

lakes & other natural waters, residing in sheds due to the lack of natural protection

and entering residential space due to the lack of what was once theirs to begin with.

There is now such a lack of natural habitat for them because humans are pushing them out.

THE PHILOSOPHY - "people have the brains that enable intelligence yet are the

dumbest and most ignorant things on the face of this planet - people... stop multiplying".




Choose your destination and learn of different ways you can

conserve energy and help the planet.



Projects and causes to help our animals and our environment.



We are marching across America for one year, via the internet, to bring

everyone together in one loud clear voice of concern to urge our leaders to

address global warming now. Please join the march and make your voice heard too.





Although salt and various salt derivatives melt ice effectively and make both

walkways and roads safer, they can be damaging to the environment.

After salt is applied, it washes off paved surfaces into storm drains or onto

adjacent ground, and can then be carried into nearby bodies of water.

According to The New York Times, this salty runoff poisons fish and wilts

vegetation. It also corrodes metals, damages concrete and poses health risks

to people with high blood pressure.

Some studies have also shown that salt applied to road surfaces increases

automobile collisions with wildlife, especially white-tailed deer that are attracted to

natural and artificial salt deposits in their normal course of feeding.




Shifting sands of beaches hit by storms, shifting currents and a rise in sea levels.

Progressive increase in heat indexes where it would normally be cooler & vice versa.

Increase in more intense, sporadic storms.

Fires - created by increase in heat and storms.

Earlier season changes (shorter/longer).

Melting of icecaps which harbor natural gasses that are being let into the ozone.




The real story on this administration's dealings on environmental issues,

from NRDC's scientists, lawyers and policy experts. 



Speaks for itself.



The Environmental Sustainability Source
An Information Gateway Empowering the Movement for Environmental Sustainability



EnviroLink maintains a database of thousands of environmental

resources and provides internet services to non-profit organizations.