(one of my favorite outlooks)
Most people generally think that cats do nothing, are lazy and all they
do is eat
and sleep. Not so! Did you know that cats have a specific job
to perform in your
life? Did you ever wonder why so many people have
cats nowadays, more so
than dogs? Here's an unknown tip inside the
secret life of cats. All cats are
empowered to remove accumulated negative energy from your body on a
basis. While you are sleeping, they absorb it from your body. If
there is more
than one person in the family, and only one cat, it may
accumulate an overload
of negativity from absorbing energy from so many
people. When they sleep, a cat's
body releases the negativity that it removed
from you. If you are extremely
stressed out, they may not have had enough time
to release this negative energy,
therefore it is stored as fat until they can.
Therefore, they will become overweight,
and you thought it was the food that you were
feeding them! It is good to have
more than one cat in the household so the burden is shared among
They also guard you at night so no unwanted spirits can enter the
room while you
are asleep. That is why they like to sleep on your bed.
If they think you are doing
fine, they will not sleep that night with you.
If there is something strange going on,
they will all jump in bed with you and surround
If a person comes in the house and they pick up they are there to harm
your auric
field or are of the dark forces, they will surround you to
protect you.
When my cat began doing to this me, I couldn't figure why
they stayed on top of me
or at my feet at times. Through channeling, I
was told they were protecting me.
So, my ears and eyes are more aware of
what my cats are doing when someone
enters my house. If they run up to the person,
smell them and want to be petted,
I know I can relax. Pay Back Time
If you do not have a cat, and a stray comes along,
it is because you have a need for one in the
home at that particular time. The stray has
volunteered to help you and has sought you out. Thank the cat for
picking your
household for its work. If you have other cats and cannot
take the stray in, find a
home for it. It is very inexpensive to put an ad
in the paper. The cat came to you for
a reason, unknown to you on the
physical level, but in the dream state you can see it
and the reason for
their appearance at that time, if you want to know it. Sometimes
there is a karmic debt it must pay back to you.
It may have eaten you in another
lifetime and must make it up to you by protecting you in this
So, don't be so quick to shoo them away. They will have to
come back one way
or another to fulfill this obligation. Cats Heal You
In the days of Atlantis, the healers
used crystals in their work. The crystals were
used as a transmitter for healing.
When the healers visited outlying villages, they
could not use their crystals for the
people were very suspicious of them and thought they were using black
Since they were not permitted to use the crystals, the healers
would carry a cat
with them as it performed the same function as the
crystal. The people were not
afraid of cats and they willing allowed them
into their homes.
So, the cat has been used numerous times in the
healing arts
~Caroline Connor~