Along with poisonous items there are other things that you may want to be

aware of. Things I have never considered myself.

They may be things you keep around the house or even those special little

"goodies" you enjoy getting special for your cat, even when you think

you're doing the right things.



With summer in full swing, many pet parents are eagerly opening their

windows to enjoy the weather. Unfortunately, they are also unknowingly

putting their pets at risk. Unscreened windows pose a real danger to cats,

who fall out of them so often that the veterinary profession has a name for the

problem�High-Rise Syndrome. Falls can result in shattered jaws,

punctured lungs, broken limbs and pelvises�and even death.

�During the warmer months, we see approximately three to five cases a

week at our animal hospital in New York City,� says Louise Murray, DVM,

director of medicine at the ASPCA�s Bergh Memorial Animal Hospital.

�Pet owners need to know that this syndrome is 100-percent preventable.�


To keep your cat safe this summer, the ASPCA recommends that you

take the following precautions:

To fully protect your pets, you�ll need to install snug and sturdy

screens in all your windows.

If you have adjustable screens, please make sure that they are tightly

wedged into window frames.

Note that cats can slip through childproof window guards�

these don�t provide adequate protection!


Balconies tall balconies without safety railings may lead to a dangerous fall.
Bath tubs/Sinks when filled w/water, a bath tub or a sink can cause a small pet to drown.
Doors/Windows open doors & windows commonly lead to cats running across busy roads.
Fireplace flames can result in serious burns to your pet & ashes can cause illness if ingested
Toilets toilet water is no healthy for pets to drink (always remember to close the lid)
Washer/Dryer your cat can easily crawl into a washer or dryer without you knowing, so be sure to close the doors to these appliances when you are not using them.
Fences/Gates/Deck Lattice when damaged could lead your cat to run away or lead to strangulation if they become stuck.





Many people want to protect their cats with identification to be sure that if they're lost

will increase their chances of a safe return. It is not always a wise idea to do this with

collars. There was a link with this insert of a very sad story of how a

woman was overjoyed with her new "baby", went out and bought it all she could,

including a collar. Later when she searched for her kitty, she found it had hung itself

on a nail with by it's collar.

If you do decide to get one for your cat... please... remember that they climb,

leap, frolic and are very inquisitive. Get a "break away".

It helps keep them from injuring or even killing themselves.



Fire Pit/Grill

cats are curious creatures so be sure your cats doesn't get near it & get burned.

Swimming Pools/Hot Tubs

be sure your cat doesn't get curious, fall in and drown.

Balls specifically balls that are small or have a smooth outer coating
Mothballs String/Yarn
Plastic Bags/Bags w/Handles Electrical Cords
Soda Cans/Empty Cans Toys w/Removable Parts
Batteries Bread Twist Ties
Buttons Coins
Cotton Swabs Glass
Hair Pins Jewelry
Nylons Paper Clips
Plastic Wrap Socks
Rubber Bands Sharp objects (knives, scissors, etc.)
Towels Wax