With summer in full swing, many pet parents are
eagerly opening their
windows to enjoy the weather. Unfortunately, they
are also unknowingly
putting their pets at risk. Unscreened windows
pose a real danger to cats,
who fall out of them so often that the veterinary
profession has a name for the
problem�High-Rise Syndrome. Falls can result in
shattered jaws,
punctured lungs, broken limbs and pelvises�and
even death.
�During the warmer months, we see approximately
three to five cases a
week at our animal hospital in New York City,�
says Louise Murray, DVM,
director of medicine at the ASPCA�s Bergh Memorial
Animal Hospital.
�Pet owners need to know that this syndrome is
100-percent preventable.�
To keep your cat safe this summer, the ASPCA
recommends that you
take the following precautions:
To fully protect your pets, you�ll need to install
snug and sturdy
screens in all your windows.
If you have adjustable screens, please make sure
that they are tightly
wedged into window frames.
Note that cats can slip through childproof window
these don�t provide adequate protection!