Bringing a new cat or kitten into your home
and introducing it to your
resident cat can be quite nerve racking. You
want them
all to get on together and welcome the new
feline into the house, but this
seldom happens quite so easily - even though
your reason for getting another
cat may be to keep your resident cat company,
it may not rush out and
welcome the newcomer with open paws! Careful
introductions can help to
smooth the way towards harmonious merging of
animals - controlling the
situation rather than leaving the animals to
sort it out for themselves will give
a much better chance of a smooth meeting and
the best possible start together.
Remember that cats do not need to be social
creatures - unlike the pack-
orientated dog they function happily on their
own without a social
structure around them. They are unlikely to
feel the 'need' for a companion
even though you would wish to have another
cat around. You cannot
force cats to like each other - some will
live with a newcomer easily,
others will never get on or they may just
manage to live alongside
each other in an uneasy truce - you can only
try. However, if there
is no competition for food or safe sleeping
places (as in most good homes)
then cats will accept each other eventually
and some will even seem to
form close bonds with one another.
While it may be a matter of feline choice as
to whether cats get on, how
you introduce a new cat or kitten into your
home and to a resident cat or
cats can make the difference between success
or failure. Once a relationship
becomes violent or very fearful and the cat
feels threatened it can be
very difficult to change the behavior
patterns. Thus careful introductions
which prevent excessive reactions and take
things slowly are vital.
Here are some factors involved in bringing
cats together successfully:
A kitten is less of a threat to a resident
cat than an adult cat because
it is still sexually immature. It can also be
better to get a kitten of the
opposite sex to the resident cat to minimise
competition. Neutering
helps to remove most of such problems, but
may not eliminate them
altogether. If you are getting an adult cat
again it can be better
to bring in one of the opposite sex.
Choose a quiet time when the household is
calm - avoid festivities,
parties, visiting relatives or friends and
find time to concentrate
on calm reassurance for both cats.
Smell is important
Remember that scent is the most important of
the cat's senses in terms
of communication and well-being. You can try
and integrate the new
cat into your home and make it less alien by
getting it to smell of 'home'
before you introduce it to the resident cat.
To do this stroke each cat
without washing your hands and mix scents in
this way. You can also
gather scents from around the cat's head area
by gently stroking it
with a soft cloth and dabbing it around your
home and furniture to mix
and spread scents. Likewise letting the cat
get used to the new smells
of the house and another cat before the
initial meeting can make it more
tolerable. For this reason it can be very
useful to delay letting cats meet
for a few days or even a week. During this
time keep them in separate
rooms allowing each to investigate the
other's room and
bed without actually meeting.
It is up to you to make both the new cat and
the resident feel as
secure as possible and prevent the newcomer
from being chased or
threatened (or occasionally the other way
round). Problems can arise
if initial meetings are allowed to
deteriorate into a fight or chase.
The best way to avoid this is to use a
kittening pen for initial introductions.
Kittening pens are metal mesh pens about 1m
by 0.75m by 1m high with
a door which can be left open or shut
securely. The cat inside can see
what is going on around it but feels safe
inside its 'den'. You can put a
blanket over the top initially to make the
cat feel more secure if you
think it feels vulnerable. The pen allows the
cats to see each other, sniff
through the bars and have a hiss and moan at
each other without any
attack or intimidation. The bars allow them
to be close together
but provide protection at the same time.
If you have taken on a new kitten then it can
be very useful to use the
larger pen as a base for the kitten to be
kept in initially. Introductions
can be made using the pen and you can shut
the kitten in with its bed
and litter tray if you are going out and
don't want to leave it where it
can get up to mischief or get into danger.
The kitten can be shut in
the pen at night (ensure water is available)
with the other animals in
the same room and they can get used to each
other in safety.
If you can't get hold of a pen or crate then
you can use a cat carrier
or basket for initial introductions. Of
course you won't be able to use
it as a den to shut the cat or kitten in for
long periods because it is
too small, but it can be better than nothing.
Place the new cat or kitten in the
pen/carrier and let the resident cat
come into the room. If you are using a cat
carrier place it above ground
level so the cats are not forced into direct
eye contact with each
other which can cause aggression. Let the
resident cat come into
the room and give it attention and calm
reassurance. If the cat decides
to run away without investigating the new cat
do not force meetings
but accept that things may take a little time
- this is probably the
type of cat which will not initiate
aggressive meetings but will stay out of
the way and gradually accept the new cat in
the household over time.
If the cats do show signs of aggression,
distract them with a noise and
then praise them for quiet encounters. You
can use tit bits to
encourage the cats to stay near each other
and accept the other's
presence and make it a positive experience -
you want the cats to
associate each other with pleasant
happenings, not shouting or chasing.
If you are using a large pen then you can
allow the resident cat free
access at times when the kitten/cat is in the
pen over a number of
days so that they gradually get used to each
other. If you are using a
carrier then you will need to be a little
more proactive and orchestrate
frequent meetings. With both methods you can
start to feed the cats at
the same time, the resident outside and the
new cat inside the pen or
carrier on the floor. Throughout this process
there may be some hissing and spitting but
this should gradually change
into curiosity and gradual acceptance - this
may take several days or
weeks, depending on the individual cats.
When you feel the time is right to let them
meet without the pen
then you can again use food as a distraction.
Withhold food so that
they are somewhat hungry and then feed them
in the same room.
Choose a room where either cat can escape
behind furniture or
jump up high or hide if it wants to. Put down
the resident cat's food
and then let the new cat out of its basket to
eat - you will have to
judge how close they can be - don't attempt
side by side initially!
Be calm and reassuring and reward the
behavior you want with praise
and tit bits of a favorite food. Gauge how
the cats are getting on -
they may find their own spots and curl up for
a sleep or you may need
to keep the new one separate again for a
little longer, using meals as
a time for them to get together a bit more.
Once you are sure they are
not going to fight or chase then you can
start to utilize the whole house -
the cats will probably find places to sleep
and routines which allow
them to live peacefully in the same house and
partake of all the
benefits of food, warmth and attention while
gradually becoming
used to and accepting one another.
It may only take a day or two or it may take
several weeks for cats
to tolerate each other. It may take months
before the cats are relaxed
with each other, but you are on your way to
success if you reach
the stage of a calm truce between them. It is
amazing how a cold
wet day outside will force even the worst
adversaries together in
front of the fire after a large bowl of food.