Characteristic: Clown

My mom says that I followed her home in her arms.

It catches people off guard then they laugh.

What really happened was...

She was going for one of her daily walks in the graveyard and

I pranced right up to her and talked for a bit and gradually I would

walk with her. Sometimes her walks would be in the morning in

the dark. I would scamper around and run to meet up with her as

she returned to the entrance then follow her home.

If I missed walking with her I'd be waiting at her house.

She fed me and put water out for me and when she went into the

house I would lay at the door then one day...


I found myself in a box and to a place where there were other

kitties and dogs. I was to get my combo test (Felv & Feline Aids)

and get neutered.


From there she brought me HOME around 1:00. I was INSIDE!

I didn't really feel too well because of the anesthesia. I was very groggy

and unbalanced and I spit at her anytime she touched me.

She kept me upstairs with my own food, water and litter.

The others were kept downstairs. I slept under the chair in the

bedroom and she slept on the floor with me.


The next day I felt much better but still stayed under the chair so

she just layed on the floor and petted me a bit. By now I was singing

and rolling on my back. She had the other kitties come up bit by bit

and thought it might go well as I stood my ground with

a growl and they'd skitter off.

The other kitties would get me surrounded but I persevered. I would

wiggle my butt and pounce at kitty. She just looked at me like I was crazy.

Bonnie's been a little prissy about the whole thing, whining and

complaining. Peter wasn't crazy about another male in the house

and let me know by growling and spitting and Obsidian talks,

talks, talks, telling all about the new-comer.


I am a clean cat as I constantly wash. I was staying upstairs most of

the time and would be plunked in the upstairs litter box and

I learned quickly how to use it so she then plunked me into another

one she had downstairs and eventually removed the one upstairs.

The others had a bit of a time allowing me to use it but all worked out well.


Now, I have full run of the house. I want so much to play with the

other kitties so I chase them and jump at them but I think they're

 just too mature for that sort of behavior. They just spit and growl

at me so I find other things to try and keep me occupied like

chasing my tail and sliding on the kitchen floor into the cupboards.


I think things will work out just fine here. I'm still trying to get use

to being picked up and molested by my new mom but for now

I'll pretend I don't like it and continue to growl and spit.