Characteristic: Fresh

During the evening of one of my moms days off she received a call

from lady looking for a home for me, a small brown tabby female with

double paws (no claws). I had been loyal to this lady for two years.

My mom had heard that if a home wasn't found for me soon,

I would be put down. Other options were suggested but the lady was

adamant in her decision. Already having many of her own kids, my mom

was in frustration of this lady's reasons which sent her rushing in raging anger

to phoning the woman. You see, her reason was because of my fur

and that I was vomiting... hairballs (?!?!). The woman attempted her

explanation when my mom abruptly cut in and said "look, I'm going to try

not to be rude but I am really upset with this and honestly,  I have no

 interest in hearing justifications, they are poor excuses for giving up a

living being". Then she told the lady that she was coming to get me and

would like to do so as soon as possible. She was at my house within 15 minutes.

My mom was met at the door and found she was justifying herself by saying

"you know, I really apologize for my disposition but I'm an activist and this

is really upsetting". As if pacifying my mom, she rubbed her back and said

"oh, I know, it's ok". They talked a bit about my favorite subject,

animal issues, of course and in another moment, "the big one"...

Mom was reminded of something... I had been declawed!!!


Without looking up, mom's right forefinger brushed across the top bone of

her left one and quietly but coherently said "you know, when they declaw,

they remove their first knuckles". Then it happened, it took all my mom

had not to sit at the table and weep when she was informed that I still favor

my paws, at times. Well guys, she might have been a nice woman but because

of my dilemmas, my mom didn't like her.

When my mom looked over my vet records, she couldn't understand why.

I had been well cared for. All my shots were up-to-date and I was spayed.

The woman even told her that I like to lay on your chest and cuddle.

My mom also called the animal hospital to be sure I am healthy and that

nothing was being kept from her, this way if something was wrong she wanted

to know what and how to care for me.

Anyway, mom ended up saying a prayer to her Higher Power that night in

forgiveness in the way she treated the lady and found that she was justifying

herself to Him, explaining it was in the defense of animals.

Then it occurred to her that He already knows.

She wondered if she'd get judgment on how she treated her or how she

helped to speak for those that can't speak for themselves?

A closing question for those that made it this far:

My attitude is the first mom has ever experienced. She could barely get near me.

I wouldn't even let her show me where the litterbox is, but I found it on my own.

I would spit and growl and makes puffing sounds like I was hyperventilating.

I was just very scared. I had nothing to eat or drink and there was water

everywhere. As good as everything looked and smelled, I didn't even

want the yummies she offered but...

I ended up having a weak moment the first thing the next morning...

Cat Nip... I think for that small time, I actually forgot where I was.

Then she found me on the counter (ok, for now). I shoved myself into her hand.

She rubbed my face a bit and ran ran her hand down my back,

then she saw the look on my face and... I SPIT AT HER... LOL.

It wasn't funny but what else could she do but take it lightly in hopes

I would get over it soon.

Mom would just quietly shush me and talk softly. Every so often she'd reach

her hand down in attempts to make friends and hope... she didn't pull back a

bloody stump... At one point during one night, mom hunted the house high &

low for me & figured I was in the basement, so she went to get a coffee.

When she happened to turn and look to her right, her eyes looked like UFO's,

because there I was, hunched & stretched out from the edge of the top 

of the refrigerator like a gargoyle. I was staring her dead in the eyes and

scared the hell out of her. She gasped and scared the hell out of me and again...

I SPIT! She knew it will take time and that I was scared. 

She knew that I had just left the only home I'd ever known and realized

that I may have never have even seen other cats before.

So she just waited as patiently as possible and know what?




Declawing... Not a good idea

Many vets no longer take part in the declawing of cats for many reasons.

If your cat goes outside it will have no defenses against predators, whether

lashing out or climbing trees in escape. Also, it could effect your cats behavior.

A couple examples could be depression, anxiety or in becoming less affectionate.

It has been known that the removal of a cats claws entails the removal of the

first knuckles and if not properly cared for during the healing process could

result in serious complications. I've have understood that one cat specifically,

would walk on it's elbows long after the paws had healed.