Characteristic: Timid



My baby. Only a few years together and something took the life

out of her. One day she just decided she didn't want to eat or

drink anymore. I had brought her to my vet several times as well as

two emergency clinics set up with more equipment. She had blood

taken for every test imaginable as well as x-rays and ultrasounds.

No one could find a thing wrong with her. Other than her lack of

sustenance she was fine. Clear eyes, very alert and playful.

The day came when she had no energy and was extremely lethargic.

She would just lay on the bed and if she wanted to roll over she

would struggle just to muster up the strength to flop.

I thought I could let her go a bit and hoped she would die in her

peaceful, natural sleep but come this morning I realized she just

didn't want to let go. I couldn't have her go on in that state so I brought

her into my vet and helped her on her way. Oh, this is always so hard.

She is at peace now, out of the body that weighed her down.

She is free.


For two years my new mom had been watching me, a mother kitty and just a

baby myself, thus she was calling me Mama Kitty. She longed to have me in

her home and protected.

Last year she found out woman in the area catches females, has them spayed and

brings them back where she finds them and I may have been one of those kitties as

I was gone for many days. She noticed, when I returned that I had put on some

weight but she continued to feed me. Then, after about 2 years, she began to get

closer to me. I don't know exactly what transpired our closeness but it happened

pretty quick. At first I was very timid and would run if she even twitched.

As the days passed I'd make attempts in getting a bit closer. I rolled, purred and

chirped. Then the day came when I let her pet me. Eventually two-handed petting

took place. I don't know who was happier. Something still wasn't right.

My new mom wasn't overjoyed by all these sappy happenings.

It was the new neighbors. They and their company would come down the road

like the Indianapolis 500, not to mention that HE wasn't crazy about cats.

Mom didn't think he would do anything to harm me but couldn't overlook the

possibility. Mom didn't sleep well not knowing if one day I might get hit.

Not knowing if she'd see me again. She was getting sick with worry.

The time came for a decision... she would take me HOME.

To accomplish this I had to have my leukemia and aids tests and have all the

other goodies done to protect me and the kids that already live here.

Mondays are my moms first day off for her weekends. And on one specifically...

She got me!! In THE BOX... without even giving her a scratch, other than her

soul as I swore at her about how I trusted her and she betrayed me.

She was actually being cruel to be kind. Off to the vet. I stayed quiet all the

way there, but dammit... as good as I was... she left me there. For two hours.

As the phone rang, her heart raced a then subsided as she was given the terrific

news. I was tested negative for everything. No lice, not many fleas or ear mites,

and I was spayed and no worms. They had to sedate me though. I was very upset

by the whole episode but they got everything done that was necessary and I

didn't know a thing. End result... a healthy cat.

Mom felt guilty bringing me in not knowing if maybe I already belonged to

someone and may be taking someone's beloved pet but then she knew...

"who cares" because I would now be out of harms way and into a great home.

Her other worry was... I am black and Halloween is coming real soon.

We all know what can happen to any animal but black cats seem get tortured

on this occasion. An indoor cat is a healthy and safe cat.

Now back from the vet... I am HOME. When she came to get me she found

that one of the technicians had quite the little (used very loosely) gift I gave him.

The top of his forearm from his elbow to the middle of his hand showed a scratch

about a 1/4 inch wide. He just laughed and shrugged it off saying

"she's a wild one". Mom knew he didn't mean me any harm... well, I didn't.

She put me in the bathroom with food, water, litter pan and some cozy towels

to sleep in but I peed in them instead. When mom knew this she kept plopping

me in a sand box. It was nice and now, that is what I use. I stayed behind the

toilet most of the time. It was so scary for me. Mom kept coming in and checking

on me, talking softly. I still spit at her though. I needed my space for a while.

I was lonely that first morning and decided to wake her up. She grumbled

something about it being 2:00am. After a short time she gave me access to

two adjoining rooms, the bath and back porch. So, then I hid behind the heavy

screen door on the porch under an old rug cutting. I ate a little and scattered

some litter on the floor and she mumbled again when she stepped on it.

I try to make sure I wake her up by howling out the window throughout the

night reminding her that I'm still here and she'll get up and come in... yep...

and I spit at her until she'd tickle and pet me. I'd roll around and sing my song.

I've let her pick me up in her arms but not too long and the same with putting me

in her lap. I still miss going outside and cry for her to let me out but... she won't.

I think she lets me cry to get it out of my system.

I have the whole upstairs now with another "pretty" face and I try to stay away

from her. I think just she'd rather be left alone and personally... I don't

think it would be wise to mess with her anyway.

I stay under the bed all day and when it gets dark and she retires for the

evening... I come out and talk... a lot.

I enjoy the peace and quiet but for some reason she gets upset.


Taking In A Feral Scared To Death

She wasn't the easiest kitty to bring in. She's afraid of everything.

It takes a lot of patience, kindness & lots of love. You have to earn

their trust. She is so much better now than she was when I brought

her in two years ago. Getting her to the vet took a crate with the opening

pointing toward the sky, a good scruff to the back of the neck which

causes their backside to curl under, then lowered into the carrier gently

but quickly, keeping them away from your body so they cannot grab on.

In Obsidian's case the vet had to give her an anesthetic for all he had to

accomplish such as a combo test (Leuk. & Aids), shots, a check to see if

she had been spayed, a bath, ear mites and an all around check up.

She NEVER made any attempt to scratch or bite me and am very

honored, unfortunately the vet tech got it all for a lifetime. A scratch on his

forearm from his elbow to his wrist. One that will be a scar forever.

All he wanted to do was love the little kitty.