Whether you wish to help or would care to help in ways yourself,

this is the place to find organizations pertaining to about every issue imaginable

from animal rights to humane societies, shelters and other miscellaneous tools.

These sites also provide information on ways in which to help you.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for them.




American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (CT)

About Cats

So much information and links that take you to even more.

Animal Legal Defense Fund

An excellent resource if you know of someone in your neighborhood, your community or anywhere, causing harm to animals.

American Humane Association

Cruelty statute investigation. Does your state match up?
Animal Rights Law Center A great site with a lot of legal information

Dept. of Environmental Protection.

Connecticut's wildlife division.

Cruelty to

Animals Acts

All states have laws that prohibit cruelty to horses and other animals.
FriendsOfAnimals (DARIEN, CT) Membership organization working to protect animals from cruelty and abuse.
HSUS Humane Society of United States
IDA In Defense of Animals
IMOM Should you find yourself in a difficult situation and need help, please don't hesitate to contact.  They are there to help with educational references, emotional support, veterinary referrals and financial aid.


Last Chance For Animals

NL County Animal Welfare

(SE, CT) Helping with animal issues in the S.E. area.

They also have a newsletter available pertaining to various events and miscellaneous issues.

P.A.W.S. Paws Around the World
PETA People for Ethical Treatment of Animals
Petabuse.com A place to go where you can help abused animals online by writing letters and in catching up on the latest news
Pets 911 Unlimited information from shelter to behavioral.
Shoreline Wildlife Management
SPCA CT Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals ( CT)
Stop Animal Cruelty A link to a very convenient page.

Tait's Every Animal Matters - Low cost spay & neuter program.

World Animal Net

Links on shelters, locations & phone numbers...

The world's largest network of animal protection societies with over 1,500

affiliates in more than 80 countries campaigning to improve the status and

welfare of animals.




All Friends Animal Hospital

420 New London Turnpike, Norwich, CT 06360

(860) 886-0125


Norwichtown Veterinary Hospital

177 Otrobando Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360

(860) 886-0188


Norwich Veterinary Hospital

439 Salem Turnpike, Bozrah, CT 06334

(860) 889-1387


Groton-Ledyard Veterinary Hospital

5 Lorenz Industrial Parkway, Ledyard, CT 06339

(860) 464-1045


Companion Animal Hospital

801 Poquonnock Road, Groton, CT 06340

(860) 449-9800


Veterinary Emergency Treatment Services

(emergencies only)

8 Enterprise Lane, Waterford/Montville, CT

(860) 444-8870