have to say, I think my mom is my best friend.
I was
staying at the Humane Society with my brother when I first saw her.
mission had been a female kitten. At that point one had not been found
fell in love with me. I couldn't understand why I
was left there until I
found out
later that the shelter was giving my brother and I
a chance to
find a home
together. He
had long hair and was a lot more responsibility.
I guess I'd been there long enough because, there she was again.
came back to take me to home. I hear talk a lot about something
"abuse". It's said that I may have had it. One of
my back legs kind of
snaps when I
walk, I have a couple lumps on my body, I'm
lacking a voice
(my nickname
is Squeaky), and
I'm afraid of everything.
wince away when someone reaches down to pet me. I can't help it.
I'm reprimanded with a firm "NO" I run and hide behind the toilet in
become a bit confused because she'll come in, pick me up and (yech)...
and kiss me and stuff. It's kind of nice but I'm not use to it.
I push away and
just want to
get down, so then I'm put down. Such
nice, safe landings.
On my
quiet times I like to get in one of the window beds, for our relaxation,
think a while. I miss my brother and wonder where he is and what he's doing.
I hope
he's safe and happy. I was told he got a very good
home with people who
care a great
deal for him, but still, I miss
him very much.
I really think she believes I'm cracked. She thinks I'm a "spaz".
I have
spurts of the "pounce syndrome" where suddenly, without any
or any warning "BAM". I pounce, diving under the pillows or for better
in the middle of the floor with nothing around.
Know what's really funny?
Scaring the
hell out of my mother. I'll be comfy on her lap
while she's at her
computer, in
deep thought. She thinks I'm sound asleep, then...
all-of-a-sudden... BOOM!
I'll punch her in the chest. I always do that.
great part is, she thinks it's funny. What I'm
actually doing is pouncing on
floating cat
hair and static electricity, and my
whiskers but I'll keep her wondering.
I have
been provided with a wonderful home but is taking a lot of time getting
with the others. They're so different than I am.
use to playing and carrying on.
would love to play with them but a bit scared. I'd rather be left alone.
pretty much have roam of the house but I prefer to stay upstairs with Polly,
older cat, safe from the hoodlums who stay downstairs.
you could say I'm sort of a puppy.
follow her everywhere and if I'm left on the wrong side of that door
separates the
house... I beat on it like a buffalo. Again, I'm called a "crazy cat,
always on the
wrong side of the door. Always
in and out, in and out.
the crazy one for letting me... in and out, in and out?