Characteristic: Babydoll

I was very lucky to find my mom.

She was actually looking for a dog then decided to get another

kitty instead. One of her acquaintances at work found an

article about a woman who rescues cats so she gave her a call.

The lady that answered (Hersey is her name) said she had just

the kitty my mom was looking for.

An adult, indoor cat that's free of disease and spayed.

My mom was so excited to see me that she made the appointment

that very day. I liked her instantly and I rubbed all around her legs

to let her know.

Hersey told her that I was found in a home where there were

too many other kitties. She also told her I was the last one.

Mom loved me instantly and wanted to take me home so she completed

all the necessary paperwork and off we went.

I had to get use to the house little by little then she began to introduce

me to the other kitties. I got along with everyone just fine.

I'm quite a bit timid and don't like company and sometimes mom

will do something that intimidates me but she is so patient and

calms me down with soft talk and gentle petting.

I have gained quite a bit of weight so we are trying to get me to

lose some. I love to cuddle up and nap, which is my favorite thing to do.

It sure is nice to get around without so many other kitties and I can

get along with the few my mom already had. Life is so good.