So difficult. Threw my boyfriend out. Don't
know how to spend time with Polly.
so frail and feel as though I should just let her rest her final couple days.
I went to bed and cried with her 'till I had nothing left.
I know it's my last
night with her and come this time tomorrow... she'll
be gone.
No more Polly on my pillow. This
is what keeps the tears coming back.
Having a very difficult time not being able to comprehend that I will
never see
her again. What is the point to this life if this is all there is.
We die
and that's it? I would very much like to think that we will, indeed
again and recognize each other. Like
it is in the Rainbow Bridge poem.
Today I'm literally suffering with convulsions of tears.
I know
today is my Polly's final day with me as I had made arrangements
Dr. Melgey to come out tonight to have her euthanized
comfortably at home.
I know I probably should have done it before now but found myself in
selfishness, attempting at keeping her forever. Guess it just can't be done.
I have done everything I can but the one thing that will actually help HER...
that is to help her along. Oh God... the pain is horrendous.
When it comes and goes I literally sob, knowing that everything from
on in will be the last thing I do with her. God,
it hurts so much...
I don't want her to go. My
precious little Cape Cod kitty.
Think I may put her on a pillow and bring her outside for a while.
know if she's ever been outside. Wish I had brought her out in the
snow last year but thought she might
catch cold... she's prone to that you know.
I got a little spot ready for her for later when Dr.Melgey comes.
comfy pillow with plastic (I guess they loose all their bodily
laid some pieces of an old robe I've had almost as long as her.
On top
of that I put baby-colored fleece I gave her for Christmas
year... I know I want her in my lap the whole time. I have everything
set up on the bed but wonder if the chair in my den...
the bed will be the place. The first injection will be to help her
sleep and the second will be the
euthansia. Why am I doing this to myself.
does all this water come from for my tears?
3: 15... called vet clinic. Planned arrival = 5:30pm. Oh,
the tears...
only 3 hours left to spend with her.
Looking at pendants. Vessels.
Cut a few pieces of fur for it. Poor
baby has patches now.
She's been sleeping here beside me in my desk chair since we woke
this morning. It's her chair ya know? This was our spot for the day as
I sat stroking her gently, knowing I would
never do it again.
Donna was a big help this morning. She
helped me to see things a bit differently.
Polly may not know what's going on and try and be as normal as possible.
That I don't want Polly's final moment stressed out in knowing I'm upset.
One regret... Polly
had a falling spell that I'm sure didn't help her hips at all.
She was on a pillow on my bottom desk drawer and rolled off.
heard a bone hit the edge of the draw and then her plop onto the floor.
She just laid there. She is so sick. Why did I wait so
long. She had been on
many meds for different ailments. I
took her off all but one yesterday and
today... she can't
even walk. She was pretty bad before the fall.
Trying so hard not to beat myself up over this.
doing pretty well up to that point. Oh, I hate regrets.
The countdown is absolutely horrible. Spent the end of our last day together,
our last hour, on the bed. She can't hear and now and she can barely see.
I wanted her to know I was there with her without disturbing her too much so
I kept my face as close to her as I could. So she
could feel my warm breath.
I just laid with her, petted her and talked to her.
I know she's ready. I'm ready too. She's not doing too well. Very
Breathing has changed. Smell is stronger. Now I
wish doctor would hurry up.
Called. On his way.
6:15pm... doctors gone. So is Polly. My sweet sweet Polly.
shot she slept in my lap. Face in my hand. Eyes closed. Peaceful.
final shot didn't make it much different until he listened. It's
Yes, I cried. I think she knew. My pain, her freedom.
In the box with the piece of robe. One last look at her material body.
last kiss. "I love you. You're free now".
This is the hour dreaded at it's same time last night.
Didn't bring her outside.
Don't know how I feel about that. Doctor brought her
outside. I watched him
drive away with my soft lifeless baby.
Now it
begins.. Opened the divider door downstairs
to let other kitties up.
Closed it. I'm not ready yet. Cleaned
a bit. Sobbed like I hadn't since a kid.
neighbors could hear me. Bonnie's vomiting. Obsidian's clearly upset.
Others just sleep and watch with patience. Sat on couch in dark for a long time.
Went for a walk in the cemetery. Calm cool air. Being
dark, all I could see were
the silhouettes of the stones.
The sobbing begins again as my foggy eyes
scanned the whole scene and as I plead that one of
them hear me and to
please tell Polly that I miss her,
to please forgive anything I may have done
tell her I want to see her again, that I love her... so very much.
Something strange. A cold breeze right up my spine.
Suddenly very cold and time to go in. As I
left I said thank you and good night.
Donna seemed to think it was Polly herself, saying thank you.
Slept on the floor next to the bed last night.
about candy bars but woke to nothing remotely sweet.
time I opened my eyes Polly was still gone. Back to sleep.
5:00am... instant tears. No Polly on bed, in window or in office chair...
ever again. Her sweet face. Can't believe that's it.
felt such pain in all my life. Empty. Quiet. Lonely.
Obsidian cries.
Think she's grieving too. Had
been just her and Polly upstairs all this time.
We comfort each other. Only memories now. Pictures. No more whiskers
in my face, the clinking in her bowl when she eats,
the thumping as she walks
from her arthritis, no more wheezing from an
allergy that she had for months.
First thing I'd do in the morning is shove my face in her fur, say
morning, good to see you" and pet her every time I'd walk by her.
So funny when she'd watch me in the bathroom from the mirror on the
headboard. Direct visual. Smart kitty. She'd swat me on the ankles if I
walked by her too many times without
acknowledging her.
Feels kinda funny having this whole chair to myself instead of just a
corner of it.
Strange how everything seems to be at the same time as I was yesterday,
day before. Before and after. This was the moment last night envisioning
her being gone. Now is that moment knowing the feeling her absence.
5:30am - 6:00pm - 7:00pm - 9:00pm.
I read something I'd like to cherish for these moments of despair...
"The overwhelming sense of loss, bereavement, and emptiness - seems
Grief is the price we pay for having loved so deeply.
When their pain ends, ours begin.
I believe the pain is so great - because when our
beloved's die,
they take a little piece of our hearts with them, (to
the other side)
to keep them company, until
we see them again- at the Rainbow Bridge."