



Full Name: Koala Babe

I remember bringing her home. A large, light colored puppy.

Part shepherd & part lab, who sat her butt in my arms and wrapped her

paws around my neck while I carried her up the street on our way to her

new home. Mine. Like a little koala bear. Thus her name became Koala.

I also remember when it ended. She and a friends dog I had been sitting

for, had been tied up outside. I was in the process of bringing them into

the house when Koala got away and ran through the yard like a nut.

As hard as I called for her, she wouldn't come.

At this point I was halfway into bringing the other one into the house

when I received a phone call. It was my friend calling to ask if everything

was ok. When I assured her all was well, we ended our conversation

and I was back to retrieving my dog. Before I could make it outside,

a man approached me. It was a neighbor, asking me if I owned a little

black dog. I said "yes" then...

my heart went to my throat as he hung his head and apologized.

Said she ran out in front of him before he even saw her, and just shook

his head and continued to apologize. I went to her.

I dropped to my knees in the road and sobbed, then picked up her

lifeless body to bury her.

You are still not forgotten Koala.









The previous two boys were added to the family after the four California girls.

They were brought to my grandmother from Connecticut.

We ended up with six cats total.


A male with a unique color coat. Almost the color of coffee with lots &

lots of milk. He even had the swirls of white as though stirring the mixture

had not yet taken place. He was my cat also. I use to wrap him up in a

towel like a blanket and carry him around. He loved it.

Imagine, he use to fall asleep like that while I'd humor myself on his expense.


Don't know too much about this kitty other than he loved my great

grandmother. He'd sit in her lap by the hour and kneed & purr.

He loved company. He'd greet anyone and everyone who came into the

driveway or into our livingroom. He followed my grandfather and my

uncle around like a puppy. I know his death was tragic.

While in our yard he was taken by three of the neighbors dogs who

dragged him around the yard and proceeded to play "tug-of-war" and

tossed him around like a football. According to the vet's statement,

he died instantly and did not suffer.

Unfortunately, the most vicious of the dogs had been disposed of,

due to the danger of a possible attack on a small child, as well as on other

animals. My grandmother wrote a letter and her story to a national cat

magazine asking readers to lobby for stronger leash laws.















The previous 4 photos (my apologies for the poor quality)

are the girls my grandmother adopted in California and that I grew up with.

I don't remember much now. I was so young but I do remember their

personalities and I still love them as it were yesterday.


The beautiful white calico girl. A lady (my cat).

Apparently, my grandmother had gone into a local pet shop and inquired

about this kitten. The response from the woman behind the counter went

something like this... "her, oh she'll never sell, if you want her give me a

quarter for her, you can have her". My grandmother, of course,

so disgusted at this womans attitude took out a quarter, threw it on the

counter at the woman and brought her new baby home to live for many

many happy years. I was told stories of how she'd run to the door and

scream and carry on if she smelled smoke.

She'd dance around the door and warn in a panic.

She wanted to get everyone out of the house safely.


The second child in this little grouping of lives lived to the fullest

(my mothers cat). This girl was very large. A sweetheart.

She loved to snuggle and love.

Although the photo doesn't show it, she had beautiful, big, blue eyes.

She was part Siamese and when she spoke to you, you knew it, and she

loved to talk.That deep voice that Siamese have, that tends to ring through

your ears like a baby's cry. I can still hear her now.


This kitty was a very thin sort but not noticeably due to her long brown fur

(gramps kitty). She loved to sing. To the day, I don't think I've experienced

a purr as hard and specific as hers. There was one thing this little girl

absolutely hated. She hated her dainty little feet touched with a passion.

If you were to accidentally touch her feet or even brush against them she

would jump a mile and you'd have to pull her claws out of the ceiling.


A silver long hair with a big orange spot on her head and multi colors in

other small areas of her being (definitely my grandmothers girl).

I say she was my grandmothers, because she was. She was so afraid that

she'd hide under the furniture and come out for one person only. You got it.

My grandmother. Sheena loved her. I remember staying there for long

periods of time and catching a glimpse of her only once in a while.

When I did, she'd be sleeping on a bed and I'd stand and look at her.

She was beautiful.

As a small girl who loved animals as much then, I just wanted to pet her.

Perhaps give her a hug. Gently. I think it might have been once or twice

I even got remotely close enough to touch her. So soft. She would awaken,

jump off the bed and under it before I could tell she was actually there.

Oh, yes. The only other time you could catch site of her was while my

grandmother fed them...lobster.



Other Pets I've Owned

The following is a list of pets I've owned even if for a short time and/or

when I was very young...

KittyX - Black & white, long haired kitty

(was very sick when he found me)

Skeeter - Calico guinea pig

Betsie - Calico guinea pig

Angel - White w/black kitty

Buck- white French lop-eared rabbit

Tiv Baily - Quarter horse

Lady, Nicci & Goldie - Quarter horses

J.R. - Ball Python

- Anaconda

Bandit - black & white rat

Monday - black & white kitty

Wednesday - Calico kitty

Mama kitty - Calico kitty

Kit Kat - black kitty

(Don't know if the following are still alive but ARE still in my memory)

Venus & Jordache - Tabby kitties

Ricci, Thief & Ferris - Ferrets

Vixen - Reticulated python