

My sweet Obsidian. For a feral kitty she sure had a lot of love.

She was loved back equally. She was such a good girl.

I'd call her "my little raisin", so cute and cuddly.

Her sweet personality and wonderful disposition.

I am so glad I was able to give her some loving years.

I'll miss you dearly sweet baby.




I can't believe his life ended so quick.

It's as though I was petting him and loving him one minute and

the next, he was gone. I just can't believe it.

Peter, I will love you always. You were a beautiful, well-

mannered kitty. My sweet, sweet boy. I will forever miss you.



Appx.2 years-


A beautiful black kitty without a home.

I decided to give him one. To make him comfortable & happy for the

rest of his life. For him to never have to worry or be in need of anything again.

Unfortunately, his life was shortened by FeLV (feline leukemia).

My sweet boy, you will forever be king of my yard. I miss you.




I didn't think I'd see this day come.

Matter-of-fact, I dreaded it and now here it is.

I thought my beloved Polly would be with me forever.

It is honestly killing me to put her on this page.

She has her own page so please click on her picture to visit her.




I don't know the date of her birth but she found me in August of 1999.

When she came to me the pads of her feet were worn yet still full of energy.

Although it was apparent she didn't have training she had a sweet disposition.

As much as I wanted to keep her I knew it wouldn't be fair for her with

my hours and the time she'd spend alone, so I adopted her out to a nice

family before being hit by a car, sometime in November of the same year.

She did have a litter of pups that are being loved and cared for by

the human parents she left behind.




I begged a friend to give me this bird. So full of personality.

Would rather all the attention be on him rather than on the television,

and he would let you know.

Cooing throughout the whole movie. He hated "Shhhh!".

We made sure he was in a royalty location, able to view all.

Safe from the scorching sun and from any drafts from windows.

He was in a cage that sat about 5 feet from the floor with no skirting.

He had lived this way safely for about 6 months.

To the day, I still don't know how, one of our cats got to him. Tore one of

his wings. I called everyone I could but found no help.The only response

I got was that there is something about a cat scratch that a bird will not

survive more than 24 hours. 30 hours had come and gone and I started

to have hope, until I found him on the floor of his cage, just sitting. 48

hours and I lost him. I had picked him up in my arms in a towel and

rocked him. He died right there.

The stress of holding him may not have been good for his nerves but

perhaps I helped him along. Helped to end his possible suffering quicker.

It will always sadden me, the whole incident and I will feel terrible guilt forever.

Billy, I am so very sorry. Rest in peace. You were a good bird.





Pepe' was found by my mother laying on the side of the road barely moving.

A sweet little, part Maine Coon kitten approximately 7 weeks old.

At first he was very playful then within a couple weeks became very

lethargic and had a difficult time standing. Had to lean on something.

I brought him to the vet right away. He tested positive FIP

(feline infectious peritonitis). An incurable disease, however there is a

vaccine available as a preventative.

Again, I was faced with this painful decision.

Dear Pepe', such a short life and I'm glad you had the opportunity to

know love.

I have supplied a couple links to some information concerning FIP.

Feline Infectious Peritonitis FAQ

Gregory D.Bogard DVM

New Facts on FIP





Nickname: Buddy

He was given to me by a friend before we departed as roommates.

We went everywhere together.

He traveled with me to Florida and other parts of New England.

It wasn't long before I learned he was fully capable of traveling in a vehicle

without his "ridiculous" box.

Unfortunately, Cedric became suddenly ill. I brought him to the vet where

he was prescribed Amoxi for a possible URI (upper respiratory infection).

I've always kept a close eye on my pets, guess you could say I'm almost

a fanatic. Within hours I noticed that his health had worsened.

After having tests done to determine the problem it became known that

he had a serious liver problem.Yellow jaundice had set in.

I was to understand that surgery was an option but there were no

guarantees. There was no way to know if it would help him for years,

months or weeks, and there was no way of knowing if he would continue

to suffer. Well, the truth was simple, liver problems are not curable.

The decision was not so simple. Dear God I loved him so much.

He was so sick. I couldn't bear the thought of him going to that bridge

of rainbows alone. Scared and alone in that strange place without me.

Without anyone.

My decision? To be unselfish to my desires of not wanting to let him go.

To  help him on his way, as-soon-as-possible so his suffering would cease.

To be there with him. That my voice would be the last thing he'd hear so

he could go in peace, knowing he was loved. Did I cry. I still cry.

Cedric, buddy, I miss you and I hope you forgive me.

For information concerning liver problems and cats.

Feline Advisory Bureau

Liver Disease