Let me start this page off by saying that I support any and all causes against abuse

of any kind. This includes:

Animal abuse - Child abuse - Spousal abuse...

this also includes abuse against our planet.


I am also against issues such as nuclear plants, tax increases & breast cancer

(amongst many other medical diseases), however...

This can become extremely frustrating when animal cruelty is involved in much

of the research for their cures. So, I add this page in focus of the issues that have

no cruelly involved. Much of my support also goes to the organizations you can

find on other pages within my site such as my Resources page, to name just one.



PETA works through public education, cruelty investigations,

research, animal rescue, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement,

and protest campaigns.


Pet-Abuse.Com is a national animal protection organization that researches

and tracks incidents of criminal animal cruelty. We offer a wide range of

service and tools for animal advocates, humane law enforcement,

researchers and prosecutors.


Snuggles Project was created to give comfort and security to shelter

animals as they await their new homes.


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No more homeless pets.

Animal lovers have long dreamed of a time when there would be no

more homeless pets. At Best Friends, the nation's largest sanctuary for abused

and abandoned animals, they are confident that the dream can become

a reality within the next ten years.


The international directory of action to protest the fur trade.

This website is provided through a fur campaign partnership between

CAFT (Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade) and LCA

(Last Chance For Animals) in efforts to develop unity on effective

strategies to destroy the economic incentive for retailers to sell fur.

(for me this includes horns, antlers, heads and whatever else the

poor animals sacrifice for human ignorance & arrogance)


The Doris Day Animal League has its own range of

  programs designed to find creative solutions to such problems

as pet overpopulation, such as the highly successful Spay Day

USA annual campaign.

The Foundation also oversees The Violence Connection

project, designed to educate prosecutors and judges about

the link between animal abuse and violence against people.